命令和Windows的COPY /B
- 👍 不需要合并文件,只需将它们放在同一个文件夹中并加载第一个文件。
- 支持理由:文件头中的元数据信息指示程序如何识别和加载其他文件。
- 反对声音:对于新手来说,这种操作可能不太直观。
- 🔥 在Linux系统中,使用
命令合并文件;在Windows系统中,使用COPY /B
命令合并文件。- 正方观点:这些命令简洁明了,直接解决了帖子的核心问题。
- 反方观点:提供的命令示例可能不适用于所有情况,特别是使用
- 💡 使用
/path/to/llama.cpp/gguf-split --merge
命令来合并文件。- 解释:具体命令为
c4ai-command-r-plus-Q4_K_M-00001-of-0000N.gguf c4ai-command-r-plus-Q4_K_M.gguf
- 解释:具体命令为
- “😂 You don’t need to merge them. Just have them in the same folder and load the first one.”
- 亮点:简洁明了地解决了新手的问题。
- “🤔 Each file has metadata in its header tells llama.cpp that it is part of a split. You can think of it as the file says “I am file 1 out of 8, load me and then look for the other 7 files” and then the program looks in the same directory.”
- 亮点:详细解释了文件头中的元数据如何帮助程序识别和加载其他文件。
- “👀 /path/to/llama.cpp/gguf-split –merge c4ai-command-r-plus-Q4_K_M-00001-of-0000N.gguf c4ai-command-r-plus-Q4_K_M.gguf”
- 亮点:直接提供了具体的命令行解决方案。
- 新兴话题:使用大型语言模型(LLM)和搜索引擎来解决技术问题。
- 潜在影响:这些工具和方法的普及可能会改变新手解决技术问题的方式,提高问题解决的效率和准确性。
在 Reddit 上,有一则题为“Newbie question: How on earth do I merge these files?”的帖子引发了广泛关注。该帖子包含一张显示在 GitHub 上的仓库页面截图,列出了多个独特名称的文件,还有仓库贡献者信息。截至目前,此帖获得了众多评论。
有用户[bullerwins]表示:“You don’t need to merge them. Just have them in the same folder and load the first one.”但[NeevCuber]问道:“im stupid. how do you load the full model by only loading the first file?”[Master-Meal-77]指出:“Each file has metadata in its header tells llama.cpp that it is part of a split. You can think of it as the file says ‘I am file 1 out of 8, load me and then look for the other 7 files’ and then the program looks in the same directory ”。
[ReMeDyIII]提到:“In the past, you did have to merge them. That’s no longer the case.”还给出了在 Linux 和 Windows 系统下合并文件的方法。比如在 Linux 系统下:“cat {model file name #1 goes here} > {model file after merge goes here} && rm {model file name #2 goes here}”。在 Windows 系统下:“COPY /B Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.5.i1-Q4_K_M.gguf.part1of2 + Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.5.i1-Q4_K_M.gguf.part2of2 Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.5.i1-Q4_K_M.gguf”。
然而,[kataryna91]指出:“It’s worth noting that you can’t do that with GGUF files that were split with gguf-split, which is the case for OP’s model. You would just get a corrupted file.”[Master-Meal-77]也认为这是不好的建议,并表示这不是 gguf-split 的工作方式。
[u/No-Mountain3817]提出:“/path/to/llama.cpp/gguf-split –merge c4ai-command-r-plus-Q4_K_M-00001-of-0000N.gguf c4ai-command-r-plus-Q4_K_M.gguf ”。
[u/nollataulu]分享经历称:“After merging them in a single GGUF -file and attempting to load it in koboldcpp, I get following error: llama_model_load: error loading model: invalid split file: /media/mine/xxxyyyzzz/LLM/CMDRP/c4ai-command-r-plus-Q4_K_M.gguf llama_load_model_from_file: failed to load model Segmentation fault (core dumped) ”。
对于寻求帮助的途径,[Healthy-Nebula-3603]提议:“Why don’t you ask LLM l?”[kataryna91]回应:“exactly which LLM would know about a llama.cpp feature that was only implemented a few months ago?”[djstraylight]表示:“Also, perplexity had no problem finding the info.”[kataryna91]进一步解释:“Google finds the info as well, but neither of them are LLMs, they are search engines. Perplexity is a service which provides access to a system consisting of multiple components and an LLM is just one of them, used to summarize the data found elsewhere. It uses database retrieval and online search.”[Healthy-Nebula-3603]则提到:“Copilot as it uses internet”。