
OSI(开源倡议组织)的目的是让Meta完全开放模型以符合开源标准,或者将其称为开放权重模型。简而言之,尽管Meta将Llama宣传为开源AI模型,但他们只提供权重(帮助模型学习模式并做出准确预测的东西)。至于其他方面,如数据集、代码和训练过程,都保密。AI社区中的许多人已开始将这类模型称为‘开放权重’而非开源,因为这更准确地反映了开放程度。此外,Llama所依据的许可证不符合OSI规定的开源定义,因为它在很大程度上限制了软件的使用。编辑:来自《金融时报》的原始付费文章(也包含在上述文章中):https://www.ft.com/content/397c50d8 - 8796 - 4042 - a814 - 0ac2c068361f。编辑2:‘Maffulli说谷歌和微软已经不再对不完全开放的模型使用开源这个术语,但与Meta的讨论未能产生类似的结果。’来源:上述《金融时报》文章。




  1. 👍 Meta花费大量资金免费提供模型权重,不应被指责。
    • 支持理由:Meta免费发布模型权重供大家使用,不应因未完全开源而被抨击。
    • 反对声音:Llama不符合开源软件的定义,开源不应有使用限制。
  2. 🔥 Llama不符合开源软件的定义,开源不应被限制使用。
    • 正方观点:开源应符合定义标准,Llama的限制不符合。
    • 反方观点:Meta花费数十亿并免费发布模型(权重),不应该被指责。
  3. 💡 指出Meta的做法并非完全开源是有必要的,有助于维护开源定义的准确性。
    • 解释:如果将不符合开源定义的都称为开源,会使开源概念模糊。
  4. 🤔 认为强调Meta的做法不是开源有些吹毛求疵,其做法仍值得肯定。
    • 解释:虽然不完全开源,但免费提供模型权重等行为仍有价值。
  5. 😎 Meta这么做可能是出于商业目的,为了与OpenAI竞争。
    • 解释:从商业竞争角度看待Meta的开源策略。


  1. “😂 emil2099:Sure - but come on, is Meta really the bad guy here? Are we really going to bash them for spending billions and releasing the model (weights) for us all to use completely free of charge?”
    • 亮点:以反问形式表达对Meta不应被指责的看法。
  2. “🤔 kristaller486:There are no bad guys here. But the fact that Llama in no way fits the definition of open source software is true.”
    • 亮点:客观看待事件,既指出无对错方又强调事实。
  3. “👀 Xotchkass:Nobody is against them publishing their models however they like. It is completely their right. People against mislabeling proprietary software as FOSS.”
    • 亮点:清晰区分对Meta发布模型本身和将其误标为开源的不同态度。
  4. “😏 ogaat:If the value of pi was changed to 4 by some engineers and they continued calling the new value pi, would it be okay? Definitions exist for a reason - Those who depend on them for legal, financial or risk reasons need those to be accurate.”
    • 亮点:用类比强调定义准确性的重要性。
  5. “🙄 noobgolang:i just see this as a ridiculous expectation. should we also expect Mark to open his door and sleep on his bed also to be open?”
    • 亮点:用夸张的类比表达对要求Meta完全开放模型的看法。




  • 新兴话题:开源定义在AI模型中的进一步界定可能引发后续讨论,如开放权重与开源的明确界限。
  • 潜在影响:对AI开源模型的发展方向产生影响,如果对开源定义严格执行,可能影响企业发布模型的策略;也可能促使开源定义在AI领域的进一步完善。


《关于 Meta“开源”AI 模型的争议:是创新还是误导?》

近日,Reddit 上关于 Meta 的“开源”AI 模型 Llama 的讨论热度高涨。原帖https://news.itsfoss.com/osi-meta-ai/指出,尽管 Meta 将 Llama 宣传为开源模型,但实际上只提供了模型的权重,而数据集、代码和训练过程等关键部分并未公开。此帖获得了众多关注和大量评论。

讨论的焦点主要集中在 Meta 对 Llama 的开源定义是否准确。有人认为,Meta 投入巨大并免费发布模型权重,这值得称赞,不应被过度指责。比如,有用户表示:“Sure - but come on, is Meta really the bad guy here? Are we really going to bash them for spending billions and releasing the model (weights) for us all to use completely free of charge?”

但也有很多人认为,Llama 并不符合开源软件的定义。例如,有用户指出:“There are no bad guys here. But the fact that Llama in no way fits the definition of open source software is true. The term Open Source is generally accepted to mean that there are no additional restrictions on the use of software, but the llama license imposes them.”

对于“开源”的定义,大家存在不同看法。有人觉得只要能自由使用就算开源,比如:“You can do whatever you want as long as you don’t serve over what 500 million users? That’s open source in all but name.” 但反对者认为:“you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t do that thing you mentioned or use Llama models to generate training data for other models, which means you can’t do whatever you want, which means it’s not an open license.”

有人提出,Meta 此举并非完全出于利他主义,而是为了自身利益。比如:“Meta isn’t doing this for us. They’re doing it to undercut OpenAI from becoming another big player that dominates a space Meta wants to be in.” 但也有人认为,无论其动机如何,能提供可用的模型就是好事:“Regardless of why, it is still a good thing that they are available.”

关于如何解决当前的争议,有人认为需要建立更明确的行业标准:“This probably involves some kind of "Open AI" (I know lol) institute which does have an open dataset + code that the community can contribute to, and periodically (maybe yearly) runs it all to generate a SOTA foundation model.”

这场讨论反映出,在 AI 领域,对于“开源”的定义和标准存在较大争议,需要进一步明确和规范,以促进行业的健康发展。但无论如何,Meta 的这一行为都引发了大家对于开源理念的深入思考。