这是一个关于MobileLLM(Meta - 125M, 350M, 600M, 1B models)的讨论。评论者们从不同角度进行探讨,包括模型架构、在推测解码中的应用可能性、与其他模型比较的合理性、是否达到最优水平、对移动设备的适用性等。整体氛围比较活跃,有肯定也有质疑,各种观点交织。
- 👍 为MobileLLM相关信息提供补充来源
- 支持理由:帮助想要深入了解的人获取更多资讯
- 反对声音:无
- 🔥 认为比较时省略部分模型的做法可疑
- 正方观点:比较应全面,省略模型会影响结论
- 反方观点:被省略模型发布时间晚于论文发表时间
- 💡 MobileLLM架构看起来是定制的可能影响其用于推测解码
- 解释:推测解码工作可能需要相同的架构,定制架构可能不符合要求
- 💡 125M参数的LLM可能无法进行WhatsApp的下一个单词预测等用途
- 解释:因其规模小,对其能否进行多种任务表示怀疑
- 💡 认为Meta的MobileLLM是垃圾的观点是不合理的
- 解释:不能因自身无法利用成果就否定,且发表在顶级会议
- “😂 wow”
- 亮点:表达出一种惊讶情绪,但未明确针对具体内容。
- “🤔 Comparing to qwen1.5 but omitting qwen2.5 and gemma2 2b is pretty sus.”
- 亮点:直接指出比较中的疑点,引发后续关于模型比较合理性的讨论。
- “👀 Another trash by Meta”
- 亮点:表达了强烈的负面态度,引发其他用户的反驳,推动讨论热度。
- 新兴话题:关于MobileLLM新架构的探索以及在不同设备上运行的尝试可能会引发后续讨论。
- 潜在影响:如果MobileLLM能在移动设备上得到有效应用,可能会推动移动设备端人工智能应用的发展。
《关于 Meta 的 MobileLLM 模型在 Reddit 上引发的热议》
近日,Reddit 上关于 Meta 的 MobileLLM 模型的讨论十分热烈。该帖子https://huggingface.co/collections/facebook/mobilellm-6722be18cb86c20ebe113e95 获得了众多关注,引发了大量的评论和探讨。
讨论的焦点主要集中在 MobileLLM 模型的性能、架构、应用场景以及与其他模型的比较等方面。有人提出疑问,如“Would these be any good as draft models for speculative decoding? I’m currently using Llama-3.2-1B but wonder if something smaller might be more efficient.” 还有人认为“Unlikely, the architecture looks custom in the config”。有人指出“From official benchmarks for both: Hellaswag: Mobile LLM 125M - 65.3, Qwen 2.5 0.5B - 52.1. So they are at least comparable on paper. I’m cautiously optimistic, would love to do more tests.” 也有人质疑“Comparing to qwen1.5 but omitting qwen2.5 and gemma2 2b is pretty sus.” 而有人回应称“ The paper was originally published in February, when neither of those models existed yet.”
对于 MobileLLM 模型的架构,有人发表见解:“Architecturally, this is excellent. But the training implementation is wrong. For each model, two sub - models should be trained. One on a Knowledge Graph of logic, reasoning and commonsense knowledge. Several quite comprehensive such KGs exist. The second model to transform the user’s prompt into a graph and the output into English. That would give us a small reasoning engine that could be further developed for RAG and other things.” 关于其应用场景,有人表示“125M beating Qwen 500M is pretty damn impressive.” 还有人猜测“Are these SOTA within their weight class? Also what would the usecase even be for a 125M parameter LLM be? Next word prediction on whatsapp? I doubt it could even do sentiment analysis or attention ranking of paragraphs properly.” 有人认为可以用于“Rewriting and summarization”。
在讨论中,也存在一些不同的声音。有人评价“Another trash by Meta”,但马上有人反驳“Just because you don’t have the intellectual ability to take advantage of this paper, doesn’t mean it’s trash. This paper is published in ICML which is A* conference.” 有人指出“I can’t see anything new. share_embedding
is just tie_word_embeddings
, why give it a new name? layer_sharing
can be done on - the - fly in my project chatllm.cpp. no “standard” benchmarks, either.”
总的来说,大家对于 Meta 的 MobileLLM 模型看法不一,存在争议和共识。争议点在于模型的实际性能、与其他模型的对比是否合理以及其创新程度等;共识在于都在积极探讨模型的潜在价值和可能的应用方向。而关于 MobileLLM 模型未来的发展和实际应用效果,还有待进一步的观察和测试。