




  1. 👍 进行了功率限制和核心时钟限制的测试对比
    • 支持理由:NickNau称进行了两者之间的测试与比较,给出了核心时钟限制在低功耗时更高效等结论。
    • 反对声音:无
  2. 🔥 瓶颈在于传输速度而非计算
    • 正方观点:作者Everlier根据图表数据指出瓶颈在于传输速度,每秒令牌数很早就达到饱和。
    • 反方观点:无
  3. 💡 对于LLM - only设备,进行功率限制似乎是普遍建议
    • 解释:NickNau和jaywonchung在讨论中提到限制功率后设备更安静等好处,所以得出此结论。
  4. 💡 关闭涡轮增压来控制GPU状态
    • 解释:某作者分享自己通过关闭涡轮增压并在特定任务时才让显卡达到高瓦特范围的操作方式。
  5. 💡 核心时钟限制在低功耗时更高效且控制更渐进
    • 解释:NickNau在测试对比后得出该结论。


  1. “😂 I thought these were 2024 presidential polls at first glance.”
    • 亮点:以一种幽默诙谐的方式表达了对帖子内容呈现形式的第一印象。
  2. “🤔 Core clock limit seems to be more efficient at lower power draws, and if anything - gives much more gradual control (see the real power draw curve vs MHz on the chart).”
    • 亮点:直接点明核心时钟限制在低功耗时的效率和控制优势。
  3. “👀 This makes me want a power limited 4090 (for gaming as well) with a reliable power connector even more than I already did. (not that I’d spend $xxxx for one anyway :))”
    • 亮点:表达出对功率受限的4090的渴望但又受价格限制的矛盾心理。
  4. “💡 I think it highlights nicely that the bottleneck is not compute but rather transfer speeds (TPS gets saturated very early in the test).”
    • 亮点:指出瓶颈在于传输速度而非计算这一重要观点。
  5. “👍 ow, indeed! I did not measure that specifically, but just by ear - it is way lot quieter when limited.”
    • 亮点:通过主观感受侧面印证了功率限制会使设备更安静。




  • 新兴话题:在GPU性能优化方面,如何更好地利用物理核心减少缓存争用可能会引发后续讨论。
  • 潜在影响:对于GPU用户在性能优化、功耗控制等方面有更多的参考价值,也可能会影响到相关硬件产品的研发方向,使其更加注重在功率限制等方面的优化。


标题:Reddit 上关于 GPU 功率与性能限制的热门讨论

在 Reddit 上,一个关于“Power limit VS Core clock limit efficiency”的话题引发了热烈讨论。该帖子包含了多张详细的图表,并获得了众多用户的关注和评论。

这几张图表分别展示了 GPU 功率消耗与每秒生成的标记数、不同功率限制下的实际功耗和每秒令牌数、核心限制对每秒令牌数和实际功率消耗的影响等关系。

讨论的焦点主要集中在如何优化 GPU 性能以及降低功耗上。有人认为瓶颈并非计算能力而是传输速度,这为节省电力成本提供了可能。比如有用户分享道:“[Everlier] Thank you for sharing these! I think it highlights nicely that the bottleneck is not compute but rather transfer speeds (TPS gets saturated very early in the test). Ripe for saving some electricity costs with no actual downsides!”

还有用户提出如何可靠地测量 VRAM 带宽和 PCIE 带宽饱和度的问题,并得到了其他用户的回答和建议。像“[NickNau] by any chance, do you have any advice how to reliably measure vram bandwidth and pcie bandwith saturation?”“[a_beautiful_rhind] for the latter, nvtop shows you what is being transferred. you can record your screen and flip through it for a high water mark.”

也有人分享了自己的测试和比较经历,“[NickNau] Did fresh and careful tests and comparison between Power limiting and Core clock limiting methods to find sweet spot. Core clock limit seems to be more efficient at lower power draws, and if anything - gives much more gradual control (see the real power draw curve vs MHz on the chart). Power draw recorded from real power meter minus system idle watts, then divided by number of gpus. Ofc, exact values will heavily depend on your system. The advice would be to try both methods and find what works best for you. Original post with test methodology and setup: https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1ggjngw/gpu_speed_vs_tokens_per_second_power_draw_test/

同时,也有用户提到了温度、风扇速度和噪音等方面的影响,例如“[jaywonchung] Thanks, that makes sense. Also I feel like on consumer GPUs, lower power might lead to lower temperature and lower fan speed & noise!”

总之,这场讨论为优化 GPU 性能和降低功耗提供了丰富的思路和方法,让参与者对相关问题有了更深入的理解。