




  1. 👍 对OpenAI所谓的口头协议表示讽刺。
    • 支持理由:所谓“口头协议”中数据不被用于训练这种情况存在疑点。
    • 反对声音:无。
  2. 🔥 认为精英研究者不会为了基准测试而过度拟合数据。
    • 正方观点:精英研究者有声誉约束,不会因小失大。
    • 反方观点:有人怀疑在利益面前他们可能会有不当操作。
  3. 💡 怀疑OpenAI为了利益有操纵结果的动机。
    • 解释:资助独立数学基准测试可能是为了让o3结果更好看,存在利益冲突。
  4. 💡 认为即使不直接用基准数据,也可能通过相似数据过度拟合。
    • 解释:数据操作可能很微妙,不直接用也能达到类似效果。
  5. 👍 认同OpenAI资助独立数学基准测试。
    • 支持理由:只有业内公司会资助该项目。
    • 反对声音:资助行为可能存在利益冲突等问题。


  1. “😂 southpalito:LOL a “verbal agreement” that the data wouldn’t be used in training 😂😂😂”
    • 亮点:以一种诙谐的方式表达对OpenAI口头协议的不信任。
  2. “🤔 obvithrowaway34434:This is ridiculous, the keyboard warriors here really thinks that elite researchers (many of whom basically helped to create the entire field of post training and RL) would ruin their career trying to overfit data on some benchmark when anyone can test their model when it is released.”
    • 亮点:从精英研究者的声誉和风险角度进行分析。
  3. “👀 ReasonablePossum_:So, they basically had a cheatsheet for the test while everyone else was trying their best.”
    • 亮点:形象地比喻OpenAI在测试时有优势,使结果可信度受质疑。
  4. “🤔 OrangeESP32x99:Probably that whole post about Sam and his sister.\n\nIt was a little biased imo. Some of it was good research but a lot was very speculative and jumping to conclusions. Which is funny since it’s supposed be a site around logic lol”
    • 亮点:指出LessWrong网站存在研究内容好坏参半的情况。
  5. “👀 Flying_Madlad: Oh look, it’s LessWrong spreading disinformation again.”
    • 亮点:直接指出LessWrong传播不实信息的问题。




  • 新兴话题:关于数据隐私方面的讨论可能会继续深入,如数据在各种情况下的处理方式以及如何确保数据不被泄露或不当使用。
  • 潜在影响:如果OpenAI在数据操作上被证实存在问题,可能会影响整个AI行业的声誉,导致公众对AI技术的信任度下降,也可能促使行业制定更严格的数据使用规范。


标题:OpenAI 在数学基准测试中的争议引发 Reddit 激烈讨论

近日,Reddit 上一则关于 OpenAI 在数学基准测试中的话题引起了广泛关注。原帖链接为:https://the-decoder.com/openai-quietly-funded-independent-math-benchmark-before-setting-record-with-o3/ 。该帖子获得了众多的点赞和评论,引发了网友们对 OpenAI 是否在测试中存在违规行为的热烈讨论。

讨论的焦点主要集中在 OpenAI 是否利用了不正当手段来获取更好的测试结果。有人认为这是一种“作弊”行为,比如“[southpalito] LOL a “verbal agreement” that the data wouldn’t be used in training 😂😂😂”。但也有人为 OpenAI 辩护,如“[obvithrowaway34434] This is ridiculous, the keyboard warriors here really thinks that elite researchers (many of whom basically helped to create the entire field of post training and RL) would ruin their career trying to overfit data on some benchmark when anyone can test their model when it is released. Do you people have any critical thinking skills at all?”

有人指出这并非个别现象,如“[burner_sb] AI researchers overfitting on test data – including extremely prestigious, "elite" AI researchers – is a tale as old as time (or at least the ’60s when ML became a thing).”

也有人提出对数据处理和模型训练方式的质疑,比如“[ControlProblemo] There is still debate about whether, even if the data is aggregated, machine unlearning can be used to remove specific data from a model. You’ve probably heard about it.It’s an open problem. If they implement what you mentioned and someone perfects machine unlearning, all the personal information in the model could become extractable.”

还有人从商业竞争和信任的角度进行分析,“[MalTasker] Because their company will collapse if investors lose trust in them.”


特别有见地的观点如“[B_L_A_C_K_M_A_L_E] > There are billions of dollars on line and fierce competition.\nI don’t see why you can’t understand this is the exact reason why people say they have an incentive to skew their results. Yes, billions of dollars are on the line. The life of OpenAI as a company is on the line. In announcing their next product, they distilled their pitch down to just a few points: it’s smarter, it’s cheaper, it scored 25% on this (handwave) mathematics benchmark.\nI understand your perspective: they would come across terribly if they’re caught cheating, and it would be a huge blow. But why can’t you see the other perspective?”,强调了商业利益可能带来的不正当动机。

总之,Reddit 上的这场讨论反映了大家对 OpenAI 在数学基准测试中行为的高度关注和深入思考,也凸显了在科技快速发展的当下,如何确保公平、透明和可信的重要性。