




  1. 👍 原帖图片存在连接错误
    • 支持理由:原帖作者给出了连接错误的图片描述。
    • 反对声音:无。
  2. 👍 对原帖中的构建成果表示认可
    • 正方观点:多位评论者表达积极态度,如“Looks slick!”“Awesome!”。
    • 反方观点:无。
  3. 🔥 设备的金属PCIE端口有空间再放置一个设备,但会比较紧凑且需解决一些问题
    • 正方观点:guska表示有空间放置,并阐述相关情况。
    • 反方观点:无。
  4. 💡 建议降低GPU功率限制
    • 支持理由:henryclw认为这样对推理速度影响不大。
    • 反对声音:无。
  5. 💡 750W电源可能功率不足
    • 支持理由:3090有较大功率峰值,部分电源难以应对。
    • 反对声音:无。


  1. “😂 guska: That was way funnier than it had any right to be.”
    • 亮点:以幽默的方式看待图片连接错误这一情况。
  2. “👍 legallybond: Looks slick!”
    • 亮点:简洁地表达对原帖构建成果的认可。
  3. “🤔 Inevitable_Fan8194: I’m curious, what is your mobo and CPU?”
    • 亮点:对原帖中的硬件配置表示好奇,引发关于硬件的讨论。
  4. “💡 henryclw: You might want to set the GPU power limit a little bit lower. Say 300W for 3090, won’t affect much on the inference speed in this case.”
    • 亮点:提出关于GPU功率限制的有用建议。
  5. “😉 AfterAte: I set my card (different card all together) at 250w and use 1 daisy chained pcie from my PSU and it’s fine for hours of sustained generation.”
    • 亮点:以自身设置为例说明GPU功率设置的可行性。




  • 新兴话题:关于硬件的功率设置和适配可能会引发更多深入讨论,比如不同硬件在不同场景下的功率优化。
  • 潜在影响:对于电脑硬件爱好者来说,可以增加他们在硬件配置方面的知识,如硬件布局、功率管理等知识的交流与传播,也有助于硬件制造商了解用户在实际使用中的需求和关注点。



在 Reddit 上,有一则热门帖子“Finally got my build together.”引起了大家的关注。这篇帖子不仅配有图片(但目前图片显示连接错误),还链接了相关图片(https://i.redd.it/xg58gynyz1ge1.jpeg)。该帖子获得了众多评论和点赞,引发了关于电脑组装的热烈讨论。


有人称赞组装成品看起来很酷炫。比如,有用户说“Looks slick!” 还有人觉得十分有趣,像“ That was way funnier than it had any right to be. ”

在技术探讨方面,有人提出疑问:“Is it possible to put another one below it into the metallic pcie port?”并得到了肯定的回复,认为有空间这样做,但需要注意散热和气流问题。比如,“Yeah, there would be room for that. I’m not using the M.2 slots, so it has plenty of PCI-E lanes free. Down the track if 10GB isn’t enough for what I end up doing with it, I might look at a pair of 4070TSs or similar. MSI Ventus 2X would fit more neatly in the case, and give room to put the last drive cage back in (It only extends up to the inboard side of the SATA ports). Edit - it would be a tight fit, you might want to figure out a solution to keep the cards separated, and greatly increase airflow down between them, otherwise the one in the first slot will choke and run hot.”

也有人好奇主板和 CPU 的配置,“I’m curious, what is your mobo and CPU?” 回复是“ It’s an Asus ROG B550-E with 3900X. ”并分享了关于散热器选择的个人经历,“That AU$25 cooler lists LGA1700, 1200, 1151, 1150, 1155, 1156, AM4 and 5. It was the only front to back cooler that would fit in the case without spending AU$100+ ”

关于 GPU 功率限制,有人建议“ You might want to set the GPU power limit a little bit lower. Say 300W for 3090, won’t affect much on the inference speed in this case. ”并进行了详细的功率和线缆承受能力的分析,“The pcie-8 has a theoretical limit of ~350w at 16awg wire guage, but that daisy chained part is most likely 18awg (thinner) and will likely melt past ~250w if you stress it too much. The Pcie slot gives 75w, so your cable is only handling ~300w, and if that’s flowing through your daisy chained part, it could melt (eventually).”

