




  1. 👍 期待分享更新。
    • 支持理由:[没有更多解释,单纯表达期待]
    • 反对声音:[无]
  2. 🔥 不建议原想法,推荐购买二手显卡。
    • 正方观点:[二手显卡性价比高,容易获取]
    • 反方观点:[未明确提及反对该观点]
  3. 💡 认为标题中的想法不好。
    • [以特定产品Mi50及价格(110美元可买到16GB)为例证]
  4. 💡 认为原想法不特别疯狂。
    • [给出运行SXM GPU可行、相关博客链接、建议选择V100 GPU等理由]
  5. 💡 某种东西可行,但需要购买sxm2卡。
    • [没有更多解释]


  1. “😂 Please share the update once you receive”
    • 亮点:[直接表达对更新的期待]
  2. “🤔 I haven’t bought it yet, I just need someone to tell me this isn’t a stupid idea first.”
    • 亮点:[在未购买之前想确认想法是否愚蠢,表现出谨慎]
  3. “👀 The P100 has 16GB of HBM, bare dies mounted on the same package as the core.”
    • 亮点:[提供了P100显存相关的专业信息]
  4. “😎 You can be lucky and literally scalp 3090s or even 4090s from design studios etc.”
    • 亮点:[分享了在特定地方获取低价显卡的经历]
  5. “🤨 Are you confident you’re saving money?”
    • 亮点:[对省钱与否提出质疑,引发思考]




  • 新兴话题:[不同地区硬件市场差异对硬件选择的影响可能会引发后续讨论]
  • 潜在影响:[对硬件购买者在选择合适的硬件时提供更多参考,也可能影响二手硬件市场的交易情况]



在 Reddit 上,一则题为“How crazy is this idea?”的帖子引发了热烈讨论。该帖子主要探讨了有关购买特定显卡并进行相关操作的想法,获得了众多关注,评论数众多。


在讨论中,有人认为在特定价格下可以尝试,比如“有人”说:“At that price you might as well take one for the team. Just wondering about cooling..”但也有人持谨慎态度,像“有人”表示:“Honestly, it is a crazy idea, you’d better buy the normal, used cards in good condition, for instance, from a rational miner who took care of those GPUs or even better, from a company switching to the new setup in their server/graphic stations or a company, which closes down.”

有用户分享个人经历:“I once scalped around 8 - 10x 3090s for $100 each.”但也有身处不同地区的用户表示情况不同,比如“有人”说:“I wish it was that easy outside USA :(”

关于冷却问题,“有人”提到:“The P100 has 16GB of HBM, bare dies mounted on the same package as the core.”“有人”则担忧:“How to cool it is the issue; how will you attach a heatsink and fan? Are there waterblocks available if you have a water setup?”

对于获取渠道,“有人”表示:“I had a local PC building company, I used to build gaming PCs and high-end graphic stations so I knew a couple of such design companies in my town and I had the agreement to let me know when someone wants to change hardware or has already done it and they need to get rid of the trash fast….”

