利用扩散模型创造新型材料。代码……有。https://github.com/microsoft/mattergen,https://www.microsoft.com/en - us/research/blog/mattergen - a - new - paradigm - of - materials - design - with - generative - ai/
- 👍 对MatterGen项目表示认可
- 支持理由:觉得项目很酷、有趣,是一种创新的材料创造方式
- 反对声音:无
- 🔥 MatterGen可根据需求给出候选材料
- 正方观点:可以按照输入的材料属性要求搜索元素组合给出候选材料,如制造抗压强度更高的材料
- 反方观点:无
- 💡 MatterGen可能有助于超材料开发
- 解释:可以针对特定性能定制超材料,但还未测试能否准确模拟超材料特性
- “😂 Nice! Another day, another AI smarter than me.”
- 亮点:用幽默的方式表达对AI智能程度的感慨
- “🤔 That’s actually very interesting and so out of my league at the same time 😅”
- 亮点:简洁地表达出对项目既感兴趣又自感无力涉足的态度
- “👀 So for instance steel crushes at about pressure of 160 MPa the researchers told the model they need a material with base elements that are affordable and plentiful in the market with MPa of 200 then the model gave them some candidates, then they made the material.”
- 亮点:通过具体例子说明MatterGen的工作方式
- 新兴话题:MatterGen在超材料方面的测试及应用可能会成为后续讨论的话题。
- 潜在影响:如果MatterGen在材料开发方面取得成功,可能会对材料科学、制造业等相关领域产生积极影响,加速新材料的研发和应用。
《关于 MatterGen 的热门讨论:改变世界的新可能》
在 Reddit 上,一个关于 MatterGen 的帖子引发了广泛关注。该帖子介绍了利用扩散模型创造新型材料,并提供了相关的代码链接,如https://github.com/microsoft/mattergen和https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/mattergen-a-new-paradigm-of-materials-design-with-generative-ai/。此帖获得了众多点赞和评论,大家的讨论方向主要集中在对这项技术的看法、其应用前景以及可能带来的影响等方面。
讨论焦点与观点分析: 有人表示:“Nice! Another day, another AI smarter than me. 😂”,以一种轻松幽默的方式感叹 AI 的强大。 还有人说:“That’s actually very interesting and so out of my league at the same time 😅”,表达了对这项技术的兴趣和自身能力的感慨。 有人详细阐述道:“So for instance steel crushes at about pressure of 160 MPa the researchers told the model they need a material with base elements that are affordable and plentiful in the market with MPa of 200 then the model gave them some candidates, then they made the material. You can give properties of the material you want and have the model search through combinations of elements and give material candidates. We can create batteries that use more accessible materials and not depend on the cobalt mines in Africa for instance.”,并认为可以根据需求定制材料的特定电磁、声学或机械性能。 有人提出问题:“seems pretty cool.but what can you use it for?”“Can this aid in metamaterials development?”“Have you tested if you can model something with metamaterials properties accurately? It seems pretty solid on the regular materials side.”“Uh…acceleration development of materials that push the laws of physics to their limits?” 还有人充满期待:“Can’t wait for autonomous LLM swarms using normal programs/tools to interact with the world and diffusion models for grasping and predicting the world and advancing science at lightning speed…”
在讨论中,大家对于 MatterGen 的新奇性和潜在价值有一定共识,认为其可能为材料科学带来重大变革。而争议点在于其具体的应用领域和实际效果。独特的观点如详细的技术分析,丰富了讨论内容,让人们对 MatterGen 有了更深入的理解。
总之,关于 MatterGen 的讨论展现了人们对新技术的好奇与期待,也反映出对其实际应用和影响的深入思考。