




  1. 👍 梗图中的笑点在于期待与实际回答的反差
    • 支持理由:梗图中Calvin期待简单答案,实际得到复杂解释,符合笑点产生逻辑。
    • 反对声音:无。
  2. 🔥 对梗图内容存在不理解的情况
    • 正方观点:不少评论者表示不理解梗图。
    • 反方观点:部分人能够解释梗图内容。
  3. 💡 调侃辍学者对谈话有积极效果
    • 解释:评论者以一种诙谐的方式表达了这种观点。
  4. 💡 将数学概念调侃为有重量的事物
    • 解释:如提到过桥时携带很重的数学需小心。
  5. 💡 领导者不一定聪明,只是会重复聪明话
    • 解释:从漫画延伸到对领导者的评判。


  1. “😂 那些辍学者往往对谈话有最好的正则化效果。”
    • 亮点:以一种诙谐调侃的方式看待辍学者在谈话中的作用。
  2. “🤔 Only 3 tons limit on that bridge - should be careful with a car and such a heavy math”
    • 亮点:幽默地将数学概念具象化并与桥限重联系起来。
  3. “👀 I thought it was just making fun of the fact that we have such complex mathematical systems for generating slop. But I could be wrong.”
    • 亮点:对梗图含义的一种有趣猜测。
  4. “😂 All leaders are not smart, but they’ve learned to repeat smart things about transformers.”
    • 亮点:调侃领导者的聪明之处只是重复话语。
  5. “🤔 I’m not ready for 1.58bits - based jokes.”
    • 亮点:表达对特定类型玩笑的接受程度。




  • 新兴话题:关于LLM技术背后原理的理解困难可能会引发更多讨论。
  • 潜在影响:可能会促使更多人关注梗图创作背后的文化与技术融合,也可能让更多人思考AI相关技术在大众文化中的呈现方式。



在 Reddit 上,一则有关毕达哥拉斯的帖子引起了大家的热烈讨论。该帖子的标题为“Pythagoras : i should’ve guessed first hand 😩!”,其中包含一张图片,但由于连接错误暂时无法显示,图片链接为:https://i.redd.it/m3vrfaz8jole1.jpeg 。此贴获得了众多关注,引发了大量的评论。

讨论的焦点主要集中在对数学知识的理解和相关技术的看法上。有人说:“Softly maxxing out the slop or something like that”;还有人表示:“Yeah I didn’t pay any attention during those classes… You could call me… a dropout…” 有人认为:“Those who dropout often have the best regularization effects on conversations anyway.”

有用户提出了很有见解的观点,比如:“People who use and develop LLM technology tend to be pretty tech - savvy, and are accustomed to being able to figure out the underlying reasons technology works. Read a few wikipedia pages, maybe watch a youtube video, and done. But many are finding that they lack the math chops to understand how transformers work, under the hood, and it’s a bit of a shock. They can relate to Calvin from this comment – they maybe open the Wikipedia page for Reinforcement Learning, and are hit by a wall of math, much like what comes out of Calvin’s father’s mouth. The last frame is funny because of the disparity between his (lack of) understanding and the way he flippantly implies it was easy to understand and obvious in retrospect.”

有趣的是,有人认为:“I thought it was just making fun of the fact that we have such complex mathematical systems for generating slop. But I could be wrong.”


